I Read Multiple Books at Once for 9 Months: Here Are 5 Reasons I’ll Never Go Back

It’s not about what you read. It’s about how you read.

Kieran Drew
5 min readJul 30, 2021

Most people see books like romantic relationships; you read one at a time and never cheat.

But plenty of brilliant people do cheat. Author Julia Keller refuses to read one book by itself. President Roosevelt used to read different books depending on his mood. Naval Ravikant reads upwards of 20 books at once.

So I decided to experiment — no more solo books. What I found turned a month’s test into a lifelong habit.

#1 You Upgrade Your Mindset Through Information Exposure

How do you feel when you’re reading a great book?

Motivational biographies energize you. Sales books help you convert like a king. A Sunday with Stoicism masters your mind.

I love this about books, but the problem is it never lasts. Even if you’re an intricate note taker, the drive fizzles out. Six months down the line it’s forgotten — a bit like a bad relationship.

One week into my experiment, I could see why people love multiple books. It’s the difference between eating out once a month and a daily buffet of data.



Kieran Drew

I help creators think like Einstein and write like Shakespeare • Pursuing purpose online one word at a time • Sharing what I learn along the way ✍